Do Hope Our Paths Cross Again in the Future Once

Farewell greetings

Farewells are hard to say, especially when the people to whom you bid farewell are close to your heart. But sometimes, when going far away from them, you have to say farewell. Farewell means wishing someone that they may do well in their future. Bidding farewell with sweet words will make sure that the people who are going away will stay forever connected to you and will remember you. Here are some touching farewell wishes. Find all interesting farewell wishes and messages for your lover , siblings , boss and send these cards to make them happy.

Farewell wishes

Farewell Wishes
To a Coworker

  • I just wanted to take this moment to let you know how interesting it was working with someone like you and to say goodbye. It has been an honor working with a wonderful colleague like you these past years. Thank you for your help and kindness. I wish you the best of luck and continued success wherever you may find yourself.
  • Take care of yourself in your new job. I wish I could be your coworker there too! The people you're going to work with are in for a real treat. Goodbye, and keep in touch!
  • I'm seriously going to miss you here. Best of luck in your new endeavor. See you soon!
  • You may no longer be my coworker, but you'll continue to be my friend. Good luck at your new job!
  • While you might no longer work here, let's keep working on our friendship. I'd love to stay in contact with you.
  • Having the privilege of working with you has been the highlight of my time here. Best of luck in your new position!
  • It didn't take long for me to see you as my friend, rather than my colleague. I'm lucky to have worked with you, and I'll miss you. Let's keep in touch.
  • You've been so dependable, supportive, encouraging, and honest during your time here. Your new place is incredibly lucky to have you. Keep doing great things.
  • I'll miss you and think of you. Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that we shared together.
  • I've really enjoyed working with you. Good luck at your new job.
  • Good colleagues are the kind of people you can rely on, generally get along with, share a joke or two, and ask for help. You're definitely all of these things. I'm sure your new coworkers will think the same about you as well.
  • We wish you boundless success wherever you go!
  • While it pains me to bid you farewell as you start a new phase of your career, I sincerely wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.
  • Let me take this moment to acknowledge the deep gratitude I have for your many kindnesses and unwavering support during all of the years that I worked with you. I wish you all the best. Goodbye!
  • This is such an exciting opportunity for you, but we still can't believe you're leaving. Please keep in touch!
  • Thank you for all the support and goodwill you have shown to me over the years. The sweet memories of working with a coworker like you will be hard to forget. Farewell, mate!
  • Dear officemate, you are an exceptional staff member dedicated to promoting excellence and making the workplace a fun place to be. We will definitely miss you, and we hope you will keep in touch with us from time to time.
  • Thanks a lot for all your support and encouragement. You are the best colleague I have ever met. Bye, and keep in touch!
  • I will miss my colleague and best friend, but the sweet memories we shared together will stay in my heart forever. You are the best staff I have ever worked with. Bye!
  • Wishing you the best in this next phase of your career. Congratulations, and best of luck!
  • Working in this office without you will be so boring. We'll miss having a wonderful colleague like you. Good luck in your future endeavors!
  • I hope that your new place is full of fun and happiness. Take care, and wishing you all the best.
  • Our teamwork hasn't been the same since you left the office. We're really missing your valuable contributions.
  • You've been a friend, colleague, and mentor whom I have treasured so much. However, you're bound for bigger and better things. Goodbye, mate!
  • Having fun and being happy here won't be as easy without a wonderful person like you around. The whole workplace will miss you. Goodbye, and all the best!
  • Thanks for training me. I'll do my best to make sure I uphold the work ethic and commitment that you're known for. Thanks for the motivation and for the on-the-job training I have received from you! Goodbye, mate!
  • Every once in a while, you meet a person that you instantly click with. You're definitely one of those people for me. I'm so happy that we got to spend the time we did together. Enjoy your new position!
  • Your decision-making skills are an asset that have always inspired me to be like you. I appreciate all your words of encouragement and everything I have learned from you. Farewell, sir!
  • I hope the next place that you work will rival the joy that you've had working here.

Farewell wishes

Farewell Wishes to Colleagues

Colleagues, although not blood-related, are special people in our lives. They are part of our journey as we continue grow with our career. They are special and important. As they need to say goodbye, make it worth remembering by bidding them some encouraging farewell messages to a colleague or co-worker. So please find some farewell message to colleague here

I will miss you in each pantry break,
coffee chat, after hours gossips,
and simple hand waves.
This good bye wish sends you on a successful path.
Take care my friend.

As you walk on your new chosen path
May the treasures of life come knocking
As each pound on the door, count my wishes,
For they are like my kisses.

We are not always lucky to find a good friend among colleagues.
May our friendship remain even after we change path.
Goodbye and may we cross paths again soon.

Though farewells are sad,
mine is filled with happiness,
because you are pursuing better pastures.
May God bless you with success on this new endeavor.

Seems like our office hours are now longer without you.
You are certainly missed around here.
Wishing you all the best in the new challenges ahead of you.

It was a great pleasure working with you my dear,
We really appreciate your help you have rendered us,
We will be missing you so much,
All the very best!

We know this farewell is going to heavy our hearts
As we are going to miss you rest of our working day.
All the best for you!

Even though it is difficult to accept the pain,
We wish you to have all success in your remaining life
And support us from outside as you were from inside.

The time has come for you to part from us,
We all had wonderful time
And you were a great colleague for us.
Best Wishes for your future!

We have seen so many people in our life;
It is you who made the difference in our career,
Thanks for the support you have given so far
And we wish you great future!

Farewell wishes

Farewell Card Messages

Your honesty is unsurpassed.
Your work cannot be scrutinized.
You are leaving with your head held high.
Best Wishes for you!

People come and go in our life
But when you leave us,
You are making a scare in my heart
All the best in your Future endeavors

When you leave us I am missing your
Humor and happiness you used to give to us
All the best

You are a great person to work with
And your farewell make me sad
Best wishes

I may be away
But remember that in my heart
you will always be close.
I will miss you.

We met at hello
We're about to be apart with Goodbye
But don't worry, this is not the end
As in my heart, you will always be there.
I'm gonna miss you.

There are times in life when you meet people
who are just very hard to forget.
Just to let you know that you are one of them.
May your path to your goal be smooth and free from obstacles.
Goodbye my friend.

May your path to your destination be easy.
Cheer up and don't let this farewell take you down.

Hope I will meet you again in my life,
Best of luck for your future,
Happy farewell!

Our eyes are definitely going to be filled with little tears,
have to accept your parting and will be kept in our memories forever.
Happy future!

Farewell Wishes for Boss

Our boss, who is there to guide and support us, needs to go. It's hard but leaving is sometimes inevitable. We should accept it and let's just tell him/her how much we are grateful having them in our side as we work. Here are some farewell messages to boss that you can use.

  1. On your last day, we thank you for being a great mentor.
    You have guided us at work in ways that no other manager has done.
    May you always be that guiding star in whatever path you choose.
  2. You may be bidding us farewell but to us,
    You are leaving a legacy.
    Thank you for being a great leader.
  3. It had been a learning experience working with you.
    The team will never be the same without you.
  4. May this adieu be fleeting until we meet again.
    May this new endeavor shape you to a more professional you.
  5. Thank you for all your support.
    I will keep the memories and your wishes in my heart.
  6. May this goodbye not take too long
    And may it take you to a new opportunity.
  7. We treasure your support and guidance in our career,
    thanks for the wonderful memories and supports.
    Wishing you all success for your life!
  8. We wish you to continue supporting us and
    Help us in all the best ways you can,
    We need you still in our career.
    Wishes for you to have bright future!
  9. Your guidance and advices were all been a great help for each one of us;
    You will be remembered throughout life!
  10. On this last day of your job,
    We all would like to thank you for being such a nice person
    Managing us all and guiding us in the right path.
    Wish you all success for your future!
  • Under your guidance, I learned more than I could have ever expected! Thanks to you, I've gotten this amazing new opportunity. Thank you for setting me up for success. Best of luck in the next stage of your career.
  • [Insert boss's name], thank you for your kindness, patience, and advice. I've grown so much since I started working here. Good luck at your new job!
  • Not only have I enjoyed working with you, I have also gained a lot of experience and now know how a well-functioning department should be run. My time with you has prepared me for the position that you're vacating.
  • You can definitely look forward to new opportunities on the path ahead. Farewell, boss!
  • You've been an inspiration to all of us, and we've enjoyed working with you. We wish you success wherever you go. Farewell, boss!
  • It has been a pleasure working with a boss like you. Thank you for making the workplace a fun place to be. I hope for your success in your new role. Good luck, and farewell.
  • Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. You're a wonderful boss. It's so sad to hear that you're leaving. I'll never forget you. Farewell, boss, and I hope to see you again soon.
  • The most difficult and trying part of you leaving will be adjusting to a new boss who likely won't be half the leader that you are.
  • If I was asked to describe what kind of boss you've been, words like encouraging, kind, patient, inspiring, influential, helpful, and a slew of other wonderful adjectives come easily to mind. Your new coworkers are gaining a truly magnificent leader.

Farewell wishes

Farewell Wishes for Friends

Knowing that our friend is going to take a path far away from yours is saddening. But it's not the end of the world. Assure him/her that you will always be there for them, that the friendship will always be there. I'm sure their heart is as heavy as yours as they bid goodbye to you. Comfort them with these messages of farewell to a friend.

I will remember the smile that comforts the heart,
I will remember the miles that never set us apart,
The same miles that gave us new paths set the time that we must part,
Smile and remember me always.

It won't be easy not having a friend like you close by
Go, take your wings my friend, and fly.
May all your dreams come true.

You will always be in my heart,
but leaving now is for the best.

It can be difficult to say good bye
but knowing that you are leaving for something better makes it less so.
Wishing you the best in your new adventure.

The time has come to face new challenges and embrace more difficult adventures.
Just don't forget the old friends who are always ready to give you support.

I know you need to bid goodbye,
but please promise me a hello.

I will never forget you my friend.
Let's exchange adieus for now and
Let our bond be tested ever more.

Goodbyes are never easy
Pictures never carry your warmth
Memories will always pierce the heart
No words can say it all
I'll miss you, friend!

The times we spent together are filled with happy moments.
Should I ever feel down, I can just tap them from my heart.
I can't wait for the time we will meet again. Farewell.

From morning lectures to burning the midnight oil,
From early walks to late night talks.
We will always be together in our hearts
But now it's time for us to part.
It's not goodbye but see you soon.

Farewell Quotes and Farewell Sayings

Quotes about goodbyes and farewell are also a great way to express your heartiest feeling towards someone who's about to leave. If you are looking for some nice farewell quotes and sayings, you're at the right place as we also listed some of the nice quotes for farewell and goodbyes. Hope these help.

You learn about your true feelings
for somebody as you say goodbye to them.

Saying farewell to a relationship is not easy,
but sometimes it is for the best.

You can only really know
how valuable a person is to you
when farewell looms by.

I cannot erase the pain in my heart,
knowing that my farewell
stained your face with tears.

Goodbyes are nothing
compared to the togetherness
that fills the soul.

After all has been said and done,
it is best to end everything in peace.

The hardest thing to do in life
is saying 'goodbye.'

Life is a race, leave behind your worries.
Think positive always and you will finally reach success.
Good luck!

Saying hello is easy;
bidding good bye is more painful.
Need to accept the truth and
we bid you farewell with a heavy heart!

When some people leave us
their memory will last forever
And we know your memory will be for ever

Farewell wishes

Farewell Wishes for Farewell Cards

Don't be dismayed at good-byes.
A farewell is necessary before we can meet again and meeting again,
After moments or a lifetime,
is certain for those who are friends.

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!

Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.
~Dale Evans

You and I will meet again
When we're least expecting it
One day in some far off place
I will recognize your face
I won't say goodbye my friend
For you and I will meet again
~Tom Petty

May the sun shine, all day long,
everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!
~Irish Blessing

May you always have walls for the winds,
a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,
laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
and all your heart might desire.
~Irish Blessing

Farewell Wishes for lovers

Going far from you is like leaving my breath behind and going away on an eternal journey.

While you are gone, I pray that time may be stuck at one moment, it may not move; so that I may not have to suffer being away from you.

Being left back is harder than going away. So, I wish that I may go away sooner and never be left behind on the way.

Your sweet smile, disarming charm and twinkle in the eyes will be missed. Though you will be somewhere else, I will always wish the very best for you.

Though I do not show my tears, my heart cries as I bid goodbye to you. I do so only in the hope that we will meet again soon.

Distances are for strangers; for those who are joined by the sacred thread of love, there are no separations. Even as you are away, I will always have you close to my heart.

The void created by your leaving will never be filled. So, please come back soon and be with me always.

Every time I say farewell to you, I do so in the hope that I will meet you again. I pray that the moment of such joyous reunion may come soon, and we may be together once more.

As you go away, my heart bleeds in pain. I know one day, you will follow the drops of blood and return to my arms.

You will forever be my love…and I will wait for you at this threshold till you come back.

Farewell Wishes for colleagues and mentors

So, the time has come, the moment when you have to leave. But never leave the hearts of people who have loved you, forever be in our memories and bless us.

You have been more than a friend…a mentor and a guide, someone in whom I could confide. Now that you are going, I will miss the guidance, but always follow the path that you have shown.

You breathed life into mundane things, brought energy to tired souls, and filled hearts with a new spirit. We know that wherever you go, you will make things better and spread joy all around.

May God help you in all your endeavours, and always bring success to your doorstep.

All your prayers will be answered, all efforts will bear fruit. Even as you go away, you will always be joined to your root.

Dreams and aspirations will be fulfilled everywhere you go. Wish you farewell!

How do I say thanks for all you have done for me, as words are too little to say what I feel? Still, as you leave, I wish to express my gratitude for everything, big and small.

A goodbye says "God be with you". As I say goodbye to you, I sincerely pray that God may himself be along your side and hold your hand everywhere you go.

Though I am sad that I will miss you here, I am happy for you as you leave for better avenues. Do well, remember our blessings and do send soothing news.

Bon voyage…as you set out for a new journey, may the tides of time be favourable to you and never may you face a storm. Happy sailing on new seas of opportunities.

They say that every good thing must come to an end. Today, as our association ends today, I promise to be there for you whenever you need me. Farewell and have a good life.

Farewell Wishes for siblings and friends

May this not be the last moment of happiness that we share…may there be many more cherishable times. Farewell sweet sister.

Paths of life may be treacherous, but you will get the strength to overcome all challenges. May you rise high in life and your name be known to all. God bless!

The tasks that we do make us memorable. You have also given us such sweet memories that will bring a smile to our face always. Farewell and keep in touch.

The world is round my friend. Do not be sad that you are going away today. It is certain that somewhere, sometime, we will meet once more to rejoice.

Life is short, make the most of it. Give your best input in all you do and you shall win every game. Farewell…lots of love and good wishes.

Creating a bond takes years, but breaking it takes just a moment. So, even as we say farewell to each other, remember to keep our special bond alive.

You are going to get many good things in life; but in that treasure, keep a place for friends like us. Cheers to your new life.

As you embark on a new journey, we wish you all the very best. Fare well in all you do and make us proud of your accomplishments.

Those who are meant to be together, never really leave you. Those who break the bond were never meant to be together. So don't lament for people who are going away.

Saying goodbye with a smile is an art. Master it and you shall never be hurt.

Thank God for all the means by which we can stay in touch. I say goodbye only with the belief that we will never really be far.

You have been a friend through thick and thin, in joys and sorrows you have been by my side. I shall be so lonely once you leave…farewell dearest friend.

Farewell wishes


Birthday Wishes For Boss

Thank You Wishes

House-Warming Wishes


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